A groundbreaking theater production, “I Wasn’t Built to Break,” is set to take the stage at the Hillside Dams Theatre on August 31. Directed by Sindiso Phiri, the play features an all-female cast and crew, showcasing the talents of women both on and off the stage.
The play explores the profound and unspoken issues faced by women, delving into the lives of three women whose stories are intersected by the theme of being broken. Despite their different experiences, they are unified in the songs they sing.
Sindiso Phiri, a renowned director and advocate for gender equality in the arts, is Bachelor of Arts, English, Culture, Communication and Media Studies Graduate. She horned her skills with another two years of Drama and Performance Studies.
Taking theater at an early age in Primary School Sindiso participated in several theater groups throughout her High School days with a sole aim of exploring her passion in the Arts.
She is best known for her innovative approach to story telling and her commitment to social issues.
She has directed numerous critically acclaimed plays.
“Directing this play is a dream come true. It’s an opportunity to highlight the incredible tale t of these women and to tell stories that resonate with audiences on a deep emotional level.” She explained of the current project.
Sindiso has brought together a diverse team of women for this production. The play is a testament to the power of collaboration and a celebration of female creativity and ingenuity.
The cast features talented actresses, including Sithandazile Dube, Rachael Ngwarai, Mimmi Tarukwana, and Sindiso Phiri herself. Each brings their unique strengths to the production, which promises to be a powerful exploration of women’s stories.
“I Wasn’t Built to Break” is more than just a play; it’s a movement, a statement about the importance of women’s voices in the arts. Under Sindiso Phiri’s direction and with the talents of its extraordinary cast and crew, this production is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who see it.
The stage production was inspired by the South Africa hit song “Mhla Uphel’amandla by Malaika. The song is featured in the play.
“For years I listened to the song’s lyrics and could not understand that and can actually leave his family and go to raise another man’ s family. To me this is absurd.” Sindiso explained.
The production is also a testament of the power of collaboration. Sindiso Phiri has brought together a diverse team of women. The play is a celebration of female creativity and ingenuity.
Don’t miss the opportunity to experience this groundbreaking production and be a part of the movement towards gender equality in the arts. Get your tickets now for “I Wasn’t Built to Break” at the Hillside Dams Theatre on August 31.
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