Byo Mayor Bemoans Lack of Water in the City As ZITF Kicks Off

Innocent Sibonginkosi Ncube

The Mayor of Bulawayo has informed visitors to the ongoing 64th edition of the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) of the struggles faced by the City in its endeavor to retain its status of being the industrial hub of the country.

In his welcome remarks, his Worship Senator David Coltart stated that the City faces major challenges of water exacerbated by the El Nino induced drought which is affecting the entire Southern Africa region.

He said water is a prerequisite for any City to attract investors.

“The City of Bulawayo understands that for any City to attract investment, there are certain prerequisites that are key for it to flourish. The first aspects being water.” The Mayor wrote.

Sen. Coltart said that in the coming years, the City Fathers’ priority is to see the expansion of water resources by by constructing a new supply water dam that will guarantee the City’s residents, stakeholders and investors adequate supplies of water.

The Mayor was not ashamed to point to the uncleanliness which has bedeviled the City. Yesteryear Bulawayo was one of the cleanest Cities in Africa. This accolade has since been lost as the town has been turned into a dumpsite by the invasion of illegal vendors.

The unemployment debacle has turned every jack and jill to be a vendor, and all vendors choose to sell their wares in the vicinity of the Central Business District. The situation is now our of control as the Municipal Police as well as the Zimbabwe Republic Police seem to be failing to contain these vendors.

“Unfortunately on the last few years, our city has lost its status of being one of the cleanest cities in Africa. Our vision is yo restore this status…” The Mayor promised.

To help alleviate the issue of unemployment due to the closure of industries, the Mayor the City was working towards establishing informal markets to be situated in the peripheries of the City Center. Already, Egodini Informal Trading market has bee established.

“We have stated with Egodini Informal Trading market and we are expanding to other centers around the periphery of the City into suburban areas.”

The Mayor invited visitors and investor to come work with the City for its development.

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